Responsible Design



Over our more than a hundred years of history, we've continually adapted and improved our product offer, making use of new  technological innovations and but also aligning with the contemporary values of our industry and society. Today, product value extends beyond style and technological performance to include responsible production processes that respect and value the craftsmen and women behind the textiles and their expertise.



We are committed to taking responsibility for our production processes and being transparent about our progress. We are taking steps towards a more holistic, responsible design approach and prioritizing practical actions to improve the processes in our value chain. Through collaborations with suppliers and other partners, we are working towards providing certified products. When we have reliable, documented information we will share it with you, at the moment this pertains to the use of certified yarns in our fabrics.

A "RE" in one of our product names highlights that the product contains at least 50% recycled- or organic fibers.


Recycled fiber fabrics contribute to a more sustainable textile industry and promote a circular economy where materials are reused, reducing waste and conserving natural resources. These innovative textiles can be crafted from both pre- and post-consumer waste, such as plastic bottles, discarded textiles, and industrial scraps, transforming what was once destined for landfills into valuable, functional materials.


By reprocessing and repurposing these fibers, the need for virgin resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and the ecological footprint of fabric production are all reduced. By increasing the number of recycled fibers in our products, we aim to promote an understanding of the quality and beauty of recycled products. We prioritize selecting fibers certified with the Global Recycling Standard (GRS) to ensure the highest quality of our recycled products.


Stoffe, die aus Bio-Fasern hergestellt sind, bieten Qualität und Komfort, während sie eine gesündere Umwelt unterstützen und ethische Produktionsstandards fördern. Bio-Fasern werden ohne synthetische Chemikalien, Pestizide oder Düngemittel produziert, wodurch Umweltverschmutzung und Bodendegradation reduziert und die Biodiversität gefördert wird. Die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit wird durch effiziente Ressourcennutzung, Fruchtwechsel und Kompostierung verbessert, was die Bodengesundheit fördert. Darüber hinaus hat die biologische Landwirtschaft in der Regel einen geringeren CO₂-Fußabdruck und nutzt Wasser effizienter, was zur Erhaltung dieser wertvollen Ressource beiträgt.


Ethisch gesehen unterstützt die biologische Landwirtschaft fairen Handel, fördert bessere Arbeitsbedingungen und faire Löhne. Wir gewährleisten die Qualität unserer Bio-Fasern durch die Auswahl von Fasern mit den folgenden Zertifizierungsstandards: GOTS, C2C, Fairtrade und European Flax sowie RWS, wenn es sich um tierische Fasern handelt. Wenn wir damit werben, dass ein Stoff biologische Fasern enthält, stellen wir sicher, dass mindestens 50 % des Inhalts biologisch sind.


We are convinced that real progress is only possible through collaboration. We are taking steps toward a holistic, responsible design approach and implementing practical measures to improve processes in our value chain. By working togehter with our long-standing suppliers and other partners, we are striving to offer certified products. Collectively, collaboratively, we are developing better methods.



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